Portfolio Categories
Students can submit their portfolios for assessment in various assessment categories, such as Photography, Graphic Design/Illustration, Visual Arts, Film and Digital Video, Web Design, 3D Design/Animation/Game Design, Music and Sound Production, Interactive Media, and Multiple Media.
Scoring Breakdown
Each Portfolio will include 3-5 unique works of art. Time-based media will submit 3 pieces and all other media forms will submit 5.
Students that earn an 87% or higher on the Portfolio will be awarded an IRC.
What is New for 2025?
We've made several changes to this year's portfolio based on your feedback! Perhaps one of the primary changes is that the process piece has been eliminated, the number of submissions has changed, and all work must now be original. For more information here's a full list of changes for this year.
Here are official documents and instructions related to the Vermont Media Arts Portfolio. Please note that all Process Piece submissions to the Vermont Media Arts Portfolio must use the official Process Piece Template found below.